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I first went to see Blair at the age of 26 after a knee injury. I decided to try Acupuncture after trying Massage, prescriptions and many other things to take away the pain and loosen the tendon that was fusing to the muscle in my leg. Blair met with me and diagnosed the areas he felt needed attention to correct the problems I was having. As he placed the needles he spent time explaining what all the acupuncture points connected to and what it would help with. After the first treatment I noticed a great improvement in mobility and decrease of pain. Within a few weeks and a few more treatments, my mobility improved greatly and the pain was mostly gone.

I have been going back over the last 6 years for maintenance and other reasons such as assistance for quitting smoking and most recently stress relief and anxiety control. I find acupuncture very relaxing and find myself rejuvenated after each treatment. Blair is very knowledgeable in the art of acupuncture and chinese herbs and carries himself professionally in his practice. I will be consulting with Blair for many more years to come.


I have had knee problems for a long time. A few years ago I had arthroscopic surgery to remove the torn meniscus from my knee. The operation helped a bit, but then arthritis set in to both knees fairly quickly and I had a lot of pain, stiffness and swelling. An acquaintance told me of good results she was getting for her knees with acupuncture treatments, so I decided to try it in May of 2009. I became a regular client of Blairs for about 16 months right up until he moved to B.C. The acupuncture certainly helped me a lot. It eased the pain and inflammation noticeably and allowed me to work with greater ease and confidence. I kept seeing Blair about once a month just for maintaining those results. I also had suffered with tendonitis in my right wrist. I had it twice in a one year span. I had to get a cortisone injection each time to relieve the condition. This was before I started seeing Blair. When Blair started treating my knees he also used acupuncture on my wrist, and I have had no tendonitis since.

I knew very little about acupuncture before seeing Blair, but now I am a firm believer in it, and recommend Blair very highly!


I have been consulting with Blair regularly for the past 3 years for the treatment of breast cancer. He has been my main health care professional and has helped me through the experience using a variety of tools and options. Blair’s approach to treatment is holistic and takes into consideration all aspects of the person including physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. Blair is open-minded and intuitive and is knowledgeable in all aspects of his practice. Moreover, he exhibits a willingness to deepen and extend his knowledge and understanding of the nature of both health and the disease process through ongoing study and professional development. I feel Blair values my opinions and takes them into consideration when making his evaluations and developing his treatment plan. The compassion and support he offers is invaluable and his accessibility in times of need goes well beyond the call of duty. I trust his integrity and feel he serves from the heart. Without hesitation I have recommended him to family and friends.


After 8 weeks of living with sciatic pain and being unable to sleep in bed, I went to Blair for relief. After only 2 acupuncture treatments I was able to return to the bed. My treatments will be on going as he helps me heal from other ailments.

Thank you Blair!


In October 2008, I injured my shoulder sanding a ceiling. As I understood shoulder injuries to take a long time to heal, I was willing to give it that time, without seeking help. After 20 months of it not getting any better plus it began waking me up at night and keeping me up, I decided to give Blair and his acupuncture a try, although I am scared of needles. (My husband had been seeing Blair for 1 yr. with great results. See Len Gadica’s Testimonial). Not only did my shoulder begin healing, I received other great results as well. I was a poor sleeper all my life and I began sleeping through the night consistently. Also, my index finger started to show arthritic swelling, it hurt all the time and I could not use it very much without experiencing more pain. I have been totally relieved of this pain, the swelling is gone and I use it like I used to. I would highly recommend Blair for his knowledge and expertise.


My introduction to acupuncture was back in 2007. Previous to that I had been dealing with a lot of loss in my life and I just felt unwell. My Dr.’s just couldn’t seem to find any reason for me feeling that way . My symptoms were vague, I felt stressed, had low energy. I was referred to the acupuncture clinic and told to ask for Blair Edwards. My first meeting gave me hope that he could do something for me to make me feel better. He described my feelings of not necessarily having a disease, but rather feeling dis-ease.

I was a bit nervous about my first treatment, but I figured I had nothing to lose. The treatment was amazing and not what I had expected at all. Blair explained to me what point he was going to put the needle in and what it was going to do for me. I hardly felt a thing and as I lay there, I could feel some tingling or chills in some of the places the needles were. Blair said that was a good sign that something positive was happening. I became more relaxed than I had been in a long time and could definitely feel a difference in how I felt. I continued on with Blair for 3 years and he has certainly helped me maintain better health. If anyone out there has any problems, I urge you to see Dr. Blair Edwards. It could be a life changing experience. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing technique and Blair is well trained in it.

He is the most kind, caring, calming person I know and he loves his job as a healer.


Blair Edwards was my acupuncturist for three years, while he lived in Saskatchewan. I have had acupuncture many times, from many different practitioners, but of all the Doctors of Chinese Medicine whose care I have been under, Blair Edwards was simply the best: none of them were as skilled as Blair. He was very gentle with the needles, very precise in his treatments. Blair was always very sensitive to my needs: whether I was comfortable, if I were in pain and if it could be helped. His main concern was my well-being. What also is impressive is Blair’s versatility: he has so much knowledge at his disposal, so many weapons in his arsenal to fight pain, to fight disease, and to bring order to his patients’ habitus. Herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxa, TENS, cupping: Blair has extensive knowledge of all these, and I have been a recipient of his expertise. There was never a time when I left his office that I didn’t feel better, feel healthier, feel more whole.

I highly recommend Blair Edwards as an acupuncturist. He is a true healer, in every sense of the word.


Organic Chinese Herbs

Organic herbs are grown without chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Spring Wind is certified by California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and all their organic products are compliant with the USDA NOP (National Organic Program). Their organic herbs also go through an  independent pesticide screening. We whole-heartedly support organic farming not only for the purity of the herbs but for the benefit it provides for the people doing the farming and for the environment in general. We feel the holistic approach to healing that characterizes Chinese medicine begins with an attitude that treats the earth with respect and the realization that the health of the environment and the health of the body are not separate. organicchineseherbs.ca